
einblick #3: special exhibition project


I am very excited to be part of Melvin’s new heliumcowboy-lockdown-exhibition-project „einblick“ - every week there is a new show with a different artist in the windows of the heliumcowboy gallery, starting Friday’s with a live-opening (Zoom & Facebook).

I freshly created 34 drawings for this exhibition, all very spontaneous but heartfelt explorations, all honest and blunt, some angry, some political, and some even vagely romantic.

This small video here is just a fast forward preview, the originals will be online Friday. Hope you can join Melvin and me for our talk live from the gallery, starting a 8:15 pm. Links in my profile here and of course over at heliumcowboy . Please spread the word, I love to see you all again, even though it is just through the wire!

Vernissage: Fr 26.02., 20.15 Uhr
(Kenncode: einblick, Meeting-ID: 958 5460 8761)