
Experiments in Technicolor

A couple of weeks now I have been working on a new direction in colors, experimenting on canvas and wood, with acrylic and oil stick and dark black Indian ink and brushes and carving knives … not complaining here but the path to new structures and evolutions in my work often goes hand in hand with an inner struggle, and during these phases I am maybe not the easiest person to be around, so I seek solitude in my studio in the North, and avoid people, but that is a conflict too, because I am a social person as well, and have a loving family, so I go around in circles somewhat and can never be really satisfied with the process (let alone the results) of my work.

But that’s okay. I think I will never be fully satisfied with my art, at least not for very long, which also is a great motivator to never stop exploring.

UPDATE 12/2022:

All available original color works are now in my online portfolio at heliumcowboy.

UPDATE 01/2023:

Now exploring the world of NFT’s with these babies, find them here.